Sunday, June 10, 2012


If you can observe that actually DJIA is in green, but then Foreign Fund is still selling their stock. Why? I do not know the reason of that. 

But coming week, two big counters (FELDA and GAS Malaysia) going to list.Thus, I am expecting that KLCI will be supported by our Local Fund to keep in green without any accident. 


  1. As I suggested, you need to have a graph of the total KLSE transaction volume. From the FBMKLCI chart, we can see that volume had been declining with foreign participants slowing down inflows, but instead gradual fund outflow for the past 2 weeks. Retail investors too were exiting during the past week.

    What we see in the decreased volume is a slowing of demand by foreign participants, and increasing supplies from foreign and local participants, while local institutions provided the balance in absorbing the supplies.

    1. Okie sifu, will try to figure out the chart and find out the reason.
